
About Me

I’m Emilie.  I’m from a fairly small town in Missouri.  But now I live in the big city of Boston.  And the difference between the two makes me smile.  I love that small little town I’ll always call “home” but, I feel like I’m doing exactly what a 20 something should be…Living in a big city, exploring and soaking everything in that she can.  I’m currently studying Entrepreneurship at Suffolk University.  I obviously love to cook and bake as well as travel, craft, sew, discover great music, oh and did I mention that I love to EAT?

As I sit here thinking about why I love food so much, my mind wanders back to when I was a kid.  My thoughts go straight to being at my great-grandparents house in Bismarck, Missouri where we would pick veggies out of their beautiful garden, sit up at the bar and string peas, and we would ALWAYS wake up to Grandma Essie frying up some greasy eggs and nearly burnt bacon.

Easily some of my favorite memories growing up.  How could they not be?

When I started this blog I simply wanted to share the things I was whipping up in our tiny Boston kitchen, as well as keeping friends and family back home updated on our adventures of the Northeast.  And so far I’ve done just that.

But now, it's turned into a bit of an obsession.  A good obsession that is...not one of those creepy ones.

And these are some of the reasons it has become an obsession:
  • I love making delicious food...and this little baby of a blog keeps me in the kitchen.
  • I've met some incredible people.  Whether that be other bloggers, readers, or just people that like to eat...this has opened so many doors for meeting new people!
  • My eyes have been opened to all of the other amazing blogs out there!  Before I started blogging my readership on other blogs was pretty limited.  But now I could browse through blogs for days on end...
  • Ummm did I mention that I love everyone that reads my blog?  Like seriously.  Love you.  A lot.  (Especially when I get to talk to you!  So let's chat!)
  • It's one big networking event.  It's a small world afterall....
I could go on and on.  But I shouldn't.  Instead I'll end with a THANK YOU.  You're the best readers a blogger could have.  And I adore every single one of you.


  1. Emilie I am so proud of you! This site is amazing. Everyone in this "fairly small town" miss you and knows your going to do some amazing things.

  2. Dear Emilie,
    I just stumbled upon your blog, being tempted by a pic on pinterest. Just one word: awesome! And man, I wish I had the time to make my little blog-baby as nice and lovely as yours is :-)
    So congrats, you have one more reader. If you like, pay my blog a visit (but I'm afraid you won't understand a thing, it's in German...): I started out mostly because I wanted to write about books, but slowly it became more a thing about my passions: reading, baking/cooking, knitting and sports. But to my shame the blog is more a sleeping beauty than anything..
    Anyway, I just wanted to send you this note of admiration. Keep up with your work, maybe we coud connect? Find me on facebook and twitter as well :-)
    Best wishes from Munich,
    P.S: And I will try out some recipes for sure!!!

  3. Impressed...and hungry!!

    1. I just want you to know how wonderful you really are.Keep on like that forever!!!!

  4. Wow, Emilie! Your blog is fabulous, just like you. I'm not much of a cook, but I love to eat good food and your entries are so enticing. You might even get me in the kitchen : ) I'll be sharing your blog with friends on Facebook, who I have no doubt will be thankful. Keep doing what you're doing because it's obvious it comes from the heart. Great seeing you over the holiday! ~ Sheri-from-the-Tea-Room

  5. great recipes. keep up the good work!
