
Contact Me


  1. Curious about your blog name. Are you a it where you live...or just a fun name? We are Scarborough's from Texas. We also love food and have dabbled in cookbooks. We produced a small Mexican food cookbook many years ago called "Scarborough Fare" with family recipes. You have a nice looking blog and I will enjoy checking out your recipes.

    1. I'm not a Scarborough actually! I got the name from the Simon and Garfunkel song Scarborough Fair that includes the lyrics about Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme -- which is why of course my header says what it does :) I just made my own addition by slipping FOOD in before the Fair!

      Is the cookbook something that can be found or is it just for family? It sounds wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. I LOVE your blog :) it is soo cute! one of my favorites that I have looked at.! Keep em' coming!

    1. Thank you so much Kelly! Hope to hear from you again soon!

  3. Hi Emilie- I love the cookbook you recommended. I have made the Chocolate Chunk Cookies, Chunky Lola Cookies,Oatmeal Raisin and Coconut Macaroons. Everyone LOVES the Chunky Lola. I have one question. Baking times have been 5-10 minutes less than the recipe recommended but I have measured the cookie size accurately. Has anyone else had this problem? I have a standard oven, not convection. Tammy

    1. Hi Tammy!

      I'm so glad you love the cookbook as well! I don't think I could live without it. Or bake without it at least :) I actually have this same problem as well. And it is pretty typical. Ovens are usually slightly different from one another depending on their type, age, and even the humidity effects them! Since you have noticed that your oven tends to take less time than the recipes, I suggest you just check on your goodies 10-15 minutes before they are supposed to be done! Good luck!

  4. Hey Emilie,
    Just stumbled onto your blog via a food pin and added to my boards - it just happened to be one of yours! Loving your recipes and resto suggestions. Give Boston a hug for me - I miss it!!! :(

  5. Hi, Emilie, you've got some great recipes here, and the blog's design and graphics are so nicely done! Just wondering what kind (brand) of olive oil you used for the Olive Oil Almond Cake??? There are so many--grassy, fruity, bitter, green etc--to choose from these days.

    Thank you kindly : )

  6. What happened to you sweet Emilie? I am a complete and total stranger who happened across your blog about a year ago when I was searching for a recipe. I bookmarked it b/c I loved how you wrote and your recipe shares are all fantastic. Just came by to get some new recipe inspiration and see you haven't written since September. Hope you are well, that you have transitioned to your new location (talk about major geographic AND culture shock), and are beginning to feel at home.

    Thanks for your culinary contributions, and sweet quirky additions, to the web world.

    -Carrie the Stranger from Tehachapi, CA :-)
